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Differences between requires_new and nested propagation in Spring transactions

I can't understand the behavior difference between the PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW and PROPAGATION_NESTED propagation policies. It seems to me that in both cases, the current process is rollbacked but not...

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"@Transactional(readonly=true, propagation=Propagation.REQUIRED)" Is it...

Currently, I am using the postgresql master/slave environment.The development environment is spring boot.I'd like to organize the transaction as follows:TX Begin @Transactional (readOnly=false) insert...

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Vue 3 - Prevent event propagation on custom event handlers

If i have a custom event handler like @my-event and i emit it withthis.$emit('my-event')it calls all the events of @my-event from all parent components.But i want to prevent this.On normal event...

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JavaScript event-handling (propagation/bubbling)

I've added an event listener to my document, that is listening on keydown. When certain shortcuts, i.e. CTRL+s, is hit, I want something to happen.The problem is that an event is created everytime a...

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How to add trace id field in the trace's request header

I would like to see trace id in the trace's request header. It seems to be supported by propagator-b3 as per https://www.npmjs.com/package/@opentelemetry/propagator-b3. I tried to look into other...

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Parallelise Python FOR loop where each iteration depends on the previous one

I define a class that we will call here State, describing the physical state of my system.The State class has a method at(time) such that State.at(time) models the dynamic behaviour of such system and...

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Propagation of random errors in R

I have a dataset that contains triplicate measurements of 16 different PAHs (pollutants) in 23 different samples. I would like to calculate the propagated error for the sum of the mean triplicate...

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Header propagation with Flurl and DotNetCore

I've really enjoyed using Flurl the last year but have encountered a problem that Im hoping I can solve using Flurl if possible and not resort ripping it out and using IHttpClientFactory and HttpClient...

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Javascript with jQuery: Click and double click on same element, different...

I have an interesting situation - I have a table row which, currently, shows it's hidden counterpart when I click the "Expand" button. The original (unhidden) row which contains the expand button also...

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Quarkus OpenTelemetry across multiple services

I am trying to create open telemetry for my quarkus microservices with info from below:https://quarkus.io/guides/opentelemetryI have changed the application.properties with propagator setting,...

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"Authorization" Header propagation with Hot Chocolate and nswag API Client...

Very strange issue on a C# project with few important things.Hot Chocolate for GraphQLHeader propagation for forwarding the HTTP Headers to API'snswag generated API ClientsI followed the whole tutorial...

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Spring WebFlux and Context propgation

I have a Flux that is emitting messages received from the SocketServer. Part of the processing of those messages sometimes throws a exception exception (bad data), so I need to get the session id out...

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Quarkus JMS Context propagation

I have 3 microservices that are communicating over JMS (ActiveMQ Artemis). I am looking to implement Open Telemetry across these flows. I have tried the automated WithSpan approach but obviously the...

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Java ArrayList contents not propagating

My code runs an algorithm on an array, and stores the results in an ArrayList. The problem is that I am not able to access the contents of the ArrayList for subsequent processing. Though my actual code...

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Simulating Gaussian Bessel Beam Propagation in Matlab

I should preface this by saying I am not much of a programmer or physicist, so please bear with me.I am attempting to simulate the propagation of gaussian Bessel beam (as produced by an axicon) using...

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Services not synchronized Spring

I'm currently facing an issue which I'm unable to solve.Here the problem.I have a class Picker inside Microservice PickerManager that requires services. This Picker class sends events via RabbitMQ to...

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RequiresNew transaction after rolling back still affect entity

Context: spring boot 2.7.0 , @EnableTransactionManagement at main application classAssumption: the unchecked exception should roll back the internal transaction, but since it is caught, it will not...

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Why Doesn't an Exception Occur in Keras When Masking is Disabled and...

I have a question regarding the mask propagation mechanism in Keras that I don't quite understand. As far as I know, if a custom layer does not implement self.compute_mask() and has...

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FPGA Parallel output timing to satisfy input timing

Let's say a FPGA reads flip-flop D and outputs Q on the second rising edge of a CLK (figeure1). How can this satisfy the input setup time [TpdSU] of another device (figure2)?Do they generally not use...

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Stationarity of a time-serie

I have a 2D matrix 60 row and 5000 columns in a .mat file . each row is a registration of 5000 data points (received power values) during 5 seconds.I want to do the following for each line of the...

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Propagate click behind a widget

I have a Stack with two widgets inside.I'm trying to detect the click on the bottom widget of the Stack, which is behind the top one.I am using HitTestBehavior.translucent, but it only work if the...

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R use propagate() to calculate the propagated error for summing up a column

I am learning the propagate function and want to use it to calculate the propagated error of summing the raw data in a data frame column. Each row in the data frame is a record, provided with raw data...

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How to propagate Git Hooks while cloning

I've written a pre-commit hook in my central repository. When my clients clone the repository it never propagates the hooks. I would like the hooks to also be copied to my clients' repositories. My...

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Spring @Transactional - isolation, propagation

Can someone explain the isolation& propagation parameters in the @Transactional annotation via a real-world example?Basically when and why I should choose to change their default values?

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How to estimate error propagation on regressed function from covariance...

I need a hand with something. I'm using curve_fit from SciPy to fit a curve with three parameters. Now, when I use it, I get this thing called pcov, which I know is the covariance matrix. But here's...

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I don't know why Transaction doesn't work in spring boot test

@Test public void 물건_구매_실패_테스트() { Store store = this.storeService.saveStore("store", StoreType.KOREAN); Item item = this.itemService.itemSave(store.getStoreId(), "비빔밥", 8000, 1); Customer c1 =...

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Implementation propagation_const in prio C++17 version

It is the following example#include <iostream>#include <memory>class B{ public: void foo() const{ std::cout << "foo const" << std::endl; } void foo() { std::cout << "foo...

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Calculating total transmission time of a packet

I'm having some difficulty calculating the total time it takes a packet to get from A to B, the question is:"We have 200 bytes of data to send from A to B, with a distance of 200km between them....

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Discretized function becomes complex while free propagating a real function...

My code involves propagation of a real function using Fourier transform and inverse Fourier transform. Specifically, the function evolves as∂ψ(z,t)/∂t - v ∂ψ(z,t)/∂z =0I solve this problem by Fourier...

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Spring brave creates another traceId with WebClient

I am creating a spring-boot3 service that needs to interact with a spring-boot2 sleuth service.I configured the spring-boot3 app to propagate B3 trace-ids using WebClient. The problem is that WebClient...

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